If You Could Get Away With?

murder, would you seize the opportunity?

Not kill as in self defense, I mean someone annoys or angers you and you can murder them with no consequence.


Honestly I would sincerely, but my blasted moral conscious would not permit it. I believe I could be "right there" finger on the trigger, knife at ones back, but would be forced to turn away at the last second =/


Favorite Answer

The only way i'd be able to do it if i was protecting my kids or myself in some way.

So, nope. I wouldn't do it. I don't dislike anyone enough to actually want to kill them.

Hot Coffee Light No Sugar2016-07-08T22:57:53Z

Ask O.J Simpson. You never get away with murder. You get yours some how.

(In case you don't know, he murdered his wife and got off BUT, he got served a life sentence do to illegal activities not of a murdering nature lol)


My mirror self


yeah the entire human race


Hell naw!! Too lazy for that.