I am having a recent question about my race? Am I White, Hispanic or Other?
When I was pregnant a few years ago the doctor wanted to do a blood test. I agreed. He asked for my ethnicity and I told him. He came back a few days later with the blood results and marked me down as "Other" for race! What am I? My mom was half Puerto Rican and Polish. My dad was White. My mom said I am also part Italian. Would the blood test tell us this or is he not sure of my race? All of my life I thought I was "White."
The blood test he did wouldn't show anything.
There are blood tests that do show where your ancestors came from. They look at your genetic material. But they're fairly pricey, and there's no reason why a doctor would do that. (Well, OK, in some cases a slight reason because people with certain genetic traits may be more likely to develop certain diseases--for instance, Tay-Sachs Disease. But those tests wouldn't be administered unless there was a solid reason to.)
Most people with your ancestors would call themselves "white" although (depending especially on your Puerto Rican background) some would say "mixed" or even perhaps Hispanic (you're 1/4 Hispanic).
Most Puerto Ricans are Spanish, but some are black. It's a citizenship, not an ethnicity.
"My mom was half Puerto Rican and Polish" could mean one of her parents was PR and the other Polish, or that one of her parents was half of each and the other was the Italian.
Usually you get to choose your own race. Just say "White" if that's what you feel.
Puerto Rican is not a race. Stop confusing nationality and ethnicity with race. You can google this. You are probably 90% white with some black add mixture on your mothers side. You are still white.