Did I mess up while signing up for Health insurance?

I'm no longer covered by my family's insurance since I do not go to school anymore. I live with my mom.

My mom makes 80,000 a year but with all the bills she has to pay as basically a single mother, she would not be able to help me pay for medical insurance. I'm more than happy to pay for my own insurance.

I plan on filing my taxes as an independent for this coming year and my coverage enrollment for health insurance assumes my household income is just what I make per year. Is this OK to keep like this despite my mom making what she does? Or should I go back and add what my mom makes?

Thank you kindly.


If you went through the marketplace aka exchange, your premium is dependent on household income, so you must include your mother's income. That will make your premium higher that you could imagine. If you are under 26, you might be better off getting insurance through your mother's plan and paying her for it.


You dont have to be in school to be on your parents policy, just be under 26. It doesnt matter if you are dependent or independent for the IRS. Your income has no relevance to buying insurance.


Actually, you can be on your mom's insurance util you're 26 whether you're in school or not