Anyone heard about how Trump's wife plagiarized her speech from Michelle Obama's speech (26 of 29 words just in first passage)?

They could blame speech writer but Milania Trump said in an interview before the speech that she wrote it with as little help as possible. I am waiting for Trump to blame the media!


She's trying to be classy like First Lady Obama, but she lacks a certain something...hmmmm, oh yeah, she lacks her clothes in several magazine spreads.

ms manners2016-07-18T22:05:47Z

Melania isn't running for anything.

Why would anyone care?


Since you're a left-wing TROLL, it must be true.


Yeah you libs keep wasting your time obsessing over that. LOL!


You're just mad she spoke so eloquently, so you make up these lies. Go drink bleach, loser.

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