POLL: How Fed Up of Y!A Trolls Are You?

5 - Wish they would all die
4 - Wish they were perma banned
3 - Disgusted
2 - Indifferent
1 - Don't care
0 - What is a troll?


Favorite Answer

2.5 it's annoying but you don't know if that person is good in real life so i don't want them to die yet. and it's not important enough to disgust me.



None of ya beeswax2016-07-31T04:14:37Z

Like a 2

Mr. Brooks2016-07-22T02:54:46Z

I'm thinking number 4: They should be permanently banned from Yahoo Answers. Number 5 is a bit too extreme right there...


Indifferent. A troll is someone who purposely poses fake questions to get a reaction.

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