Join the library and you will meet some friends that can help you with your school work. Talk to your school counselor also, and you can get you help with school work. Join a Church and go to church every week, and talk to your pastor. You must not give up- and try to get a part time job--even if it is a baby sitting job on week-ends, or after school. Things will get better for you, just believe in yourself. Good Luck
You probably need to cheer up a little, you need to focus on something that you're really good, try going out looking for new distractions, sometimes we feel down because we need some attention, or some purpose, sit and grab a paper and a pen, write your plan, write what you want to do, to go forward you will see that everything will be solved quickly
i am in the same position as you,except i'm 19,and i would volunteer,meet new people, get away from your neighborhood. Study hard and if you're stressing out,talk to someone. About the doctors,get a second opinion. Jobs-find someone who knows you who works for someone and give them your resume.Hope this helps and good luck!
Try and get tutoring for school. Join a social group like a youth group. Or a study group at school.
stop acting like a victim. theres others out there doing worse than you. pick up some hobbies, work out, read a book, improve on something like math or something. you really just have to get out of your comfort zone. easier said than done though