Did the omniscient designer of Eve and Adam know her choices will be inevitable before the designer made them?

What would be the free will to that?


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But there's a difference between knowing that something will happen and causing that thing to happen.

e.g. Just because you know that Billy is going to drop out of college doesn't mean it wasn't still his choice.



God's foreknowledge does not eliminate choice, however. Choice must be made with full knowledge, otherwise it is eliminated and free will also ends. That is why God has provided a way of repentance, which represents the ongoing choice, preserving free will.


Personally I have my doubts that "free will", as a lot of people understand it, exists at all - REGARDLESS of whether or not God exists. Even from a purely secular and atheistic point of view, I can still rationalise that there may not be such thing as free will.

However, there is no directly logical reason to claim that if God knows what choices we are going to make that it means we are not free. We do indeed have freedom of choice, and we certainly make our own choices, and we are responsible for them.


If the 'god' is omnipotent and omniscient then there's no free will involved. I'd argue the idea of free will either way, but there would be none if this 'god' thing existed as he/she/it would know what would happen and had a choice for it to happen that way.

Bill Mac2016-07-26T08:06:12Z

He knew what their free will choices would be, but like a good father he loved them regardless of their wrong doings.

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