If you were Ruler of the World for one day...?

...and could change anything you wanted, what would you do? :)

Variable 462016-08-10T11:15:24Z

Favorite Answer

I would impose a mandatory birth control program that would reduce our planet's population to 1 billion through natural causes over the course of the next 100 years, and then maintain it at that level. I think runaway population growth is the root cause of nearly all the problems that ail the Earth, be they environmental, political, religious or economic.


There's nothing 24 hours could achieve that the next 24 hours couldn't undo so I'd make a nice speech & order myself a grilled cheese sandwich.


I'd annihilate the human race, therefore saving all of the plants and animals from us.


I would make Serge Henir marry me. He's absolutely beautiful


Better farm animal laws, no more cages it's bull sh!t

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