Been an *** .?

have a habit of being rude. NO more. will play nice from now on.sorry to all i have offended,


You sir are one of those among the earth that have some serious anger management problems. I only asked about a single question about driving and you're here ranting I shouldn't drive. Well sorry that it's a privilege of mine to have my own car and drive around wherever I want. It doesn't mean I'm going to crash the car nor ruin my car?? Does it look like I wanna ruin my car?? Uhh no. If you're gonna assume what type of driver I am (yes, you have the right to judge what "type" of driver I am) then yes, I have the right as well to judge who you are upon your response. Please, be nicer in this world. We need a lot of those people as of right now. Have a nice day.


Lmao now I know you haven't been quite rude on only MY question..


*** u u prk




"Nothing has changed, little girl Nothing, And it will not,your being stupid, I,m sorry But you are," -you

Not doing so well are you

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