So, here's the deal... last night I went into the bathroom and looked down to find about three ants. I went to get my bug spray but the top was broken off so it was hardly usable but it helped a little bit. After realizing there was about 7 ants, I went to get my dad. He sprayed them done and just told me to watch out and pick up food off the floor. I thoroughly vacuumed my room. About an hour later I sat on the floor in front of a mirror to do my hair and noticed ants in MY room. I sprayed them down and hoped they were gone. Now why I am asking this question... I am getting worried because I saw about 4 in my bed. How can I get rid of them and make sure they leave?
You will have to poison some crumb pieces that fall onto the floor. But make it look Iike an accident, the ant legal system will hunt you down if they find out you are an ant serial killer. You may have to move to a different country or even continent. Legend has it that one person had to flee to a different planet! Of course all of this can be avoided if you kill the entire ant government. The ant political reign will fall into oblivion! And finally! We shall rise up from the depths! Take back what was once ours! And live forever with an elite force that will be reckoned with!!!
Find their entry point or at least a spot you can spray across to disrupt their trail. Most importantly use "surface spray". It comes in the same can as normal fly spray but is more potent. It typically lasts around 3 months. Make sure the line you spray across their trail is away from pets as it is toxic. Also have windows / outside doors open to release the micro off-spray as that isn't good for you. Exit the room for 10 minutes or more.
The ants usually will not find their way around your line of spray as any scouts will likely be killed by the poison, but if they do then spray another line using the same procedure.
Buy one of those Raid® Concentrated DEEP REACH™ Foggers and set it off in your home before you go to bed. When you wake up in the morning, open all the windows and air it out for a couple of hours.
You won't find any more bugs in your home in the foreseeable future after that :)
Also walk around the outside of your house and see if there's an ant trail going inside. There normally is one somewhere if they're invading. Be sure to spray the outside where they are entering thoroughly..
You need to lay out traps with special poison that they will take back to their nests. The nests are in your walls, and just killing the ones outside won't eliminate the problem.