Added CO2 to a planted aquarium. Now PH jumps around like crazy.?

9 gal planted tank. Use a ph pen to test and the #s jump around. 8.7, 6.2, 5.4, 7.3. Is this the co2? Never had that happen in larger aquariums and wouldn t that be bad for the fish?


I thought any sort of pH jump was harmful for fish? Maybe I'm wrong about this, but I don't see why a pH jump caused by CO2 would be any different than other pH jumps.I'd also be worried about gassing your fish with too much CO2

It is indeed caused by your CO2 though. I don't have CO2 in my aquariums, so I'm afraid I can't be of much help in offering a solution. I suggest looking at forums such as, many people there are CO2 and I know pH swings aren't an uncommon problem, so you should be able to find some help with a solution.


Yes that is fully normal. There's also a perfect pH for CO2 but I'm not sure what it is. I think it's 6.2 or something.

From what I've heard the pH changing from CO2 isn't harmful.