What are the chances that both major party candidates are racists?

We know HRC is a racist biggot, but now she's implying that Trump is a racist too! I don't want to elect another racist hate-monger to the oval office. But Seriously, how likely is it that a successful NY real estate developer is a racist?


Trump has a history of racism going back to the 70s, and he was the prime proponent of the birther movement, which was racist. Hillary, on the other hand, has a lifelong history of working for and with minorities, including her first job for the Childrens' Defense Fund, which is why black folks are so loyal to her.


Trump is a racist. I don't know about Hillary's feelings, but I believe she's more of an opportunist. She likes everyone who it will serve her interest to like. I don't think she's actually racist at all...I think she likes or dislikes people for reasons having nothing to do with race, and having everything to do with who will further her own personal aims.


Great. They're both racists. Tell me, do you want the name of the USA to be changed to The American Caliphate or The United States of Islam or something to that effect? Until Islam is quarantined or destroyed, every election is a one issue election to me.


Best test would be to have all the candidates hug and kiss an American who is either a member of BLM, very obviously gay or someone with a turban.

The one who doesn't do it, is racist or bigoted.


Fact: all systemically racist cities have Democrat mayors. Seems like at least ONE would not have a "poor black section" opposed to an "all rich white section"... so much for that claim.

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