Do you wish to know what makes Trump what he is???? Google "Anti-social behavior disorder + Mayo Clinic", a respected medical site.?

How many of those items do you believe apply to Trump? I'd venture you'd find many.

How many apply to YOU? I'd say none.

Dr Yes level 9 since 19992016-09-02T13:40:33Z

I have a couple sociopaths in my family. No doubt about it with the Donald. That may work well for business but not for politics. It is caused by the empathy area being missing in their brains. It shows up as an empty spot on an MRI.


operate in the business world for a while and you will be the same or you will be gone and back working for somebody else like a slave, what he has is called guts

Filled with God2016-09-01T17:10:35Z