Who wants to play, 'Spot the Nazi'?

Here's how we play the game. Below are two quotes, one is from a leading evangelical minister and Donald Trump supporter and the other was a Nazi Reich Minister and Adolf Hitler supporter, all you have to do is guess which is which!

Quote #1 "Christ could not possibly have been a Jew. I don't have to prove that scientifically. It's a fact"

Quote #2 "But we can establish for you clearly apart from these phases of identity that Jesus Christ is not a Jew"

So lets all put on our thinking caps and see if you can... Spot the Nazi!


I would like to thank you all for playing along! Our winner will not be receiving a copy of our home game or a years supply of Rice-a-Roni, the San Fransisco treat.

Quote #1 was our Nazi, Joseph Goebbels, The Nation, February 6,1935

Quote #2 was actually originally said by Dr. Westley A. Swift and the quote was repeated in a release from Church of Jesus Christ Christian announcing their support of Trump.


Nazi said no. 1. Properly expressed.

Idiot said no. 2. Can't hide his confused brain processes.


Jewsus the jewish archetype if that mother f''ucker existed he was a jew and die according the jewish cult in a jewish murder blood sacrifice, but all of us know that he was not real and only is a jewish tool for communism and human enslavement.
exposing judaism joyofsatan.org


Jesus did seem to be completely in opposition to the eye for an eye, crucifixion for saying a sentence type of system of terrorism of the Jews.


They're both natzis


I took a guess, googled one of the quotes, and was wrong.

You have made your point in spectacular fashion.

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