Republicans pay huge compliment to Hillary?

In calling her a criminal, Republicans reject FBI director Coomey's assertion that she is a complete idiot. Which is it dems? Is she a total incompetent who doesn't have the first clue about classified info even though she ran the CIA or is she a liar and a criminal who knowingly put Americans at risk?


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I think she did something extremely stupid. Problem is she wasn't the first one to do it. So the fact that a non issue for others has become a rallying point against her smells funny doesn't it. But you won't admit that. The whole point is to cast doubt. Create fear and try to ride the wave.

Shlock Homes2016-09-05T08:46:44Z

Ask Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell, who also used their own servers.


She's an evil corrupt hag nothing more.


ROFLMAO. Cons and their fantasies are always good for a laugh.