Owner dropped out just prior to the draft. Any suggestions for an odd number of teams in a league?


So 1 team has automatic bye every week. Or is there anything else we can do? Can't find another owner to join.


Favorite Answer

If I were you, I'd try first at Yahoo's FF forums: http://sports.yahoo.com/fantasy/message-boards/;_ylt=AihVOrao49ZD_WJznWvsK7jBbJ8u;_ylu=X3oDMTB2bmNyMjZjBHBvcwM4NARzZWMDTWVkaWFNc2dCb2FyZHNYSFJVbHQ-;_ylg=X3oDMTBhYWM1a2sxBGxhbmcDZW4tVVM-;_ylv=3?&bn=585ceca7-ccfb-3fd7-a049-92c4953d2015&page=1 Give it a couple of hours. Even after the draft, if the team looks decent, plenty of people are willing to take one over.

If this doesn't work, do what I had to do a couple years ago. The team autodrafted, and then I "managed" it (except in weeks when I played it, lol). I appointed a co-commish and he managed it the 2 times I played the team. By manage, this doesn't involve transactions unless one is needed to fill the roster. Just start the most competitive team you can.

Don't do bye weeks. This would impact 2 teams, not 1, and people hate bye weeks. You'd also have to make sure everyone got the same # of them, which isn't possible.


If you can work out bye weeks, go ahead. I'm actually thinking about getting another team, so I'm willing to take the team depending on who the team has