Where were you on 9/11?





Weasel McWeasel2016-09-07T14:04:38Z

Italy.......even though I am from NYC and once worked in the complex.

I had just put my infant son down for his 230 pm nap........and turned on a little CNN to see what was new in the world.

Made a cup of tea, flicked on the tv.........and they were just breaking in with the news of the first plane.

Needless to say, I sat riveted.......and then watched the entire thing unfold, LIVE as it happened, in real time, thru CNN.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing...........my sister worked in the Towers.

(she lived---- but one of my friends, Fire Lt. Glenn Perry lost his life that day. )


At work. Heard the news and watched a little of it in the Break Room.
Decided to take the rest of the day off. The second plane hit on my way home.


I was home in the morning when the first tower was hit. The news was reacting to it as an accident as I commuted to work. By the time I got into the office, the second tower was hit and all hell was breaking loose.

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