Why do I feel so alone?

Guys, what do I do? I'm lonely... My 2 best friends moved away to another state, I'm not allowed to hang out with another friend, and my other close friend seems like he doesn't want to hang out with me anymore. He just bums rides on me. The only people that want to hang out with me, is the party crowd, and I'm not into partying. My best solution is honestly just find a girlfriend but I go to a really small school and options are limited for girls and friends. How can I meet people from other schools to hang out with and girls from other schools without partying?

Jasmine Smith2016-09-11T14:35:40Z

Awww I'm really sorry xx
My advice is to see what fish there is in the sea,there's pleanty anywhere you go.You'll find a girlfriend or mabye just a really good friend along the way :) X
Recently I've been in the exact same postion and guess where I am know? I'm having a massive love life filled with boys in my dreams and brilliant friends.Obviously I still have my downs but everyone does you will too xx
'There's always rain to make a rainbow..'

Good luck don't worry xxx
- Jasmine <3


Do what everyone does. Masturbate over internet porn and listen to Metallica.