Married 20 years. No sex, no emotion, can't make her happy. Why r women so difficult?


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Not sure why your wife is difficult or why your marriage is struggling. Not enough information.

As for women in general, we are all different. Some are easy to get along with and some are not, just like men.


Your experience with your wife is not a reflection on all women. Just like one asshoIe guy isn't a reflection on all men.

If you haven't been happy in your marriage, you've been free to leave it at any time. The only person in the world you can 'make' happy, is you. If you and your wife haven't been able to work out your problems, then it was up to you (two) to decide to live with them or end the marriage. Since you've stayed 20 yrs, apparently you're not that unhappy with how things have gone.

You lose the right to complain when it's within your power to move on and be happier. Don't blame your wife for being 'difficult'. It's quite possible she doesn't find you any less difficult to be with.


More details are needed. Your statement is too broad. Some initial questions: Do you both work? Do you both share household duties? What are your expectations of her on a regular basis? Do you romance her? Sex - do you use a good deal of foreplay? No wham bam stuff, I mean do you rub her back, kiss, and slowly work out of clothing? Also, never forget the power and importance of non-sexual touch. That means sometimes, and I'd start doing this first, rub her back, or feet, or just kiss her passionately and then say "good night love", etc. None of this will work if you don't want her back. Do you?


I've been married for 30 years. We do have sex and emotion, and my wife IS happy. Why is YOUR woman so difficult? Maybe it's because two people got married who should not have.


women are not difficult. if her man is great she will treat him right and make his life as happy as possible. if her man sucks and she does not respect him and does not value him of course she wouldn't give any emotion and especially she wouldn't open her sweat place for business. why would she? u would never see my husband writing what u just wrote. why? because he is great and i value him very much and want to make him happy. because if he is happy i am happy and everybody are happy. and i have been married for 15 years. second marriage for me. first one sucked and my first husband could have written what u just did. because he was a lousy husband

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