Any downside to a vasectomy? I plan on getting it done.?


Had it done at 9am, changed a flat on the drive home. No pain, no problem. Should have done it years ago, but better late than never. I never wanted to be a father, never.


I had mine 30 years ago. I never had children. What could be down about child-free sex, and stamps in our passports, no debt, etc.

I was 21 when I had my vasectomy. I had no pain. I have no scar. I had no problem dating.

My wife was very happy when we met and I told her about it.

Most of my friends are in their late 40's or early 50's. About half of all American men have a vasectomy by 40. Needless to say most of my friends have had them. Those who thought they were "macho" and failed to take a rest after, suffered pain and complications for weeks. Those of us who took some days off and stayed off our feet, had no problems.

Edit: Keep in mind that a vasectomy is 99.5% effective. That .5% chance means 1 in 200 fail. That is the reason I get mine checked once every five years or so to make sure I am still sterile.


A few men develop complications from it, although most men I've known have not. My husband had aching in his scrotum for a long time afterwards. Problems can include: occasional sperm in the ejaculate (my husband was advised to get sperm check after surgery), hematoma, bleeding, infection, sperm granuloma, congestive epididymitis [post-vasectomy pain syndrome] (what my husband had) antisperm antibody formation and psychogenic impotence.


Other than potential health issues, or minor pain for a few days, there's the possibility of wanting it reversed later on in life.


An atheist like you would do such a godless thing!


not really know... make sure you wear briefs afterwards to keep yourself supported...

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