Phyllis & Billys Affair??????? Nobody wins ???? Phyllis looses jack & Billy Looses Phyllis ???????? who will win in the end ? anyone?

Sandra S.2016-09-18T11:00:17Z

So much for Jack stating he can forgive Phyllis anything. The acting was amazing, and finally the truth is out, it should be very interesting moving forward. The fall out is not over yet, and you're right, the outlook is not looking good, and that goes for anyone involved in this triangle.. However, those who are meant to be will be again, like Jack and Phyllis, that's the insanity of it all.



Phyllis is out of the Abbott family, for sure. Lying about the manicure was the last straw, about something that she could have told the truth about. Jack telling the media, was a surprising event, as a way to even it up over her playing him for a fool, or trying to make him look like one again. Billy will still be part of the family. Sympathy will go out to Jack and Victoria. Ashley and Neil will connect over it. Victor and Nicky will be the winner with whoever has the respect for them, and a good cause now.


Billy thinks he'll win when Jack leaves Phyllis, but she'll feel so guilty she won't want Billy anymore so she'll try to win back Jack. Will Billy go back to Victoria when Phyllis rejects him? Travis will be in the way. Jack can't think of anything except revenge on EVERYONE , even Victor now. No one really wins.


Jack and Phyllis went through this before so I think they will be back together again.
Because I don't think this arrangement with Billy and Phyllis is gonna work for the whole family....but that is just my theory.

If it doesn't go the way Phyllis wants it to go I think she will stay a single woman for a long time
The writers are going to put her and Nick together again? lol


No one will win in the end in this adulterous affair. Infidelity in a marriage cannot be tolerated Phyllis will see Billy as the reason for her downfall, and she will despise him from now on. She will have a heavy price to pay for this affair, as it will be very difficult for Jack to come to terms with her betrayal of his trust. Jack is a proud man and adultrey is a very hard thing for him to forgive, especially when his own brother was involved. There are no winners here.

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