So, why are you crying tonight? What has the tears flowing?

For me, it's missing my grandpa who died in the Spring. I'm 19 and my dad died when I was 9. My grandpa stepped up and stepped in to fill the role of dad to me as best as he could. We got super close and I miss him so very much.


Favorite Answer

I am so sorry for your loss. Pls have your own rituals for him
A candle butning with flowers with his picture while you temember him. Look up a Spiritualist church go. You may get a message from him. Don't count on it though. It takes a lot if energy to come forth. If u have one near you continue to go.
And remember his real birthday was when he died because he passed on to a better life.
Happy no illness looking down on you. So burn a candle that day with flowers to celebraye his new life


Because I realize Donald Trump is still alive and breathing


Logan, you ok?


I stubbed my toe :,(