Why are people so evil?

Ikr same old question but after seeing what happened to Kim Kardashian being held at gunpoint and people on the internet responding with "pr stunt" or just plain cruelty...ill ask you this.
A gun is pointed at your head, it only takes a second for the trigger to pull and your life is over...what makes you think being famous makes you less afraid of certain death?


It's not "evil" to suspect the Kardashians of staging this so-called "robbery" as a PR stunt. That family has done a lot of things for attention, so they are really asking for others to doubt them. Some might ask why you are so quick to believe her story when she is constantly surrounded by bodyguards and an entourage of people who could have either protected her or at least raised an alarm that there was a problem? No doubt her hotel had security guards and cameras as well. The notion that it was for publicity, or that it might have been staged so she could claim a financial loss of the jewelry, is not "evil". It's natural, considering that family's track record and penchant for attention. The Paris police will not be "evil" for examining that possibility as they investigate the crime, either.

Some people thought Ryan Lochte was telling the truth about his experience in Brazil, and his detractors were "evil". But look at how that turned out! There are no "facts" about what happened until the investigation reveals them.

Mio of The Digital Haze2016-10-03T06:51:43Z

Fame or anything similar does NOT make you some invincible being. In the end, if the worst case scenario ended up happening, she could have been shot and killed. At that point, would many still believe that it was all a PR stunt? Probably NOT.


True. But it's Kim Kardashian. It's not like she's important. As far as humans go, there is no reason for anyone to look up to her.


true man i dont really like her but i feel for her because thats some scary stuff right there. i hope shes feeling okay.


because people don't sympathize for people they don't support doesn't make people evil

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