Any ideas for goldfish and koi pond?

I have a small pond (with water) and a bigger empty pond!

I would like the small one to house mainly fancy goldfish, and koi and comets for the bigger one!

Other fish in interest include mosquito fish (gambusia) for mosquito control, Japanese trapdoor snails, flagfish, orfe, tench, roach, rudd, and other pond fish in interest!


Depending on the gallons of water in the pond, you won't be able to put to many goldfish in it.
A pond of 500 gal or less should only house 1-3 fish.
No koi.
If you are putting koi in only put in 1.
I have a large pond that is 35-40 thousand gallons of water and have about 8 large koi about 12-15 inches each and some cats in it.
And they do fine.