Do Trump supporters realize that Hitler supporters didnt know they were being Nazis?

Trump supporters are baffled by the connection made but thats the point, the supporters for Hitler were so fear driven that their ignorance blinded them from the fact that they supported outright evil.


And just WHAT is the "evil" or does this shoot a hole in your intellectually dishonest assertion?!! The only ignorance is the runaway anti-establishment fever that believed only Trump could deliver on the vague attitude.

Don't hide like a damned coward behind "Hitler" insinuations, put up or shut up!


do you realize that of course they knew.

its YOU that are now following a very specific and artificial variation of what nazi's were AFTER the fact.

they knew they were leftists....absolutely. just like liberals do. they knew that hitler was a fan of roosevelt and modeled much of his polices after his.

its INDOCTRINATED liberals that are now akin to nazi's, they are DRIVEN BY THEIR FEAR, their indoctrination, their servility and terror at defying politically correct dictates, and many are even eager to "prove themselves"

you are DESCRIBING todays so called democrats... they are the party of hate, they support and enable the most horrific of hate and social special interest groups, they support what we used to call extremists and the radical left just a few decades ago. germans in general may not have known about the degree in wich such barbarity was taking place institutionally.

what makes liberals so disgusting as they KNOW for sure. only you will NEVER meet a single liberal hatemonger who doesnt have this magical ability to absolve themselves of having anything to do with what they are RESPONSIBLE for existing... they look at those leftist hatemongers and nutjobs who "go to far" and pretend thats not who they are. its EXACTLY who they are.... they are precisely the reason why it exists at all.


At the times, the Nazi party was not seen as evil. Nazi is short for the National Socialist Workers Party. Which does not sound evil. Just like GOP stands for the Republican party.


Hildabeast supporters would have thought Mao just wrote a cute little red book.


Take your own advice about Hillary!

Want to talk about how her party had to rig her nomination?

Or would you prefer to talk about how Bush43's neocons at backing her? You want more Bush43 policies? Robert Kagan believes Hillary wants war too! He said she would send arms to Ukraine! Which would create more chaos like Syria!

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