What's so great about being considered nice and polite?


Favorite Answer

It's not that there's something 'so great' about it. It's just that I like the way it makes me feel


Only that you're not a boring smart-*** who gets off on trolling.

Grillparzer has it absolutely right.


Robert De Niro wants to punch Donald Trump in the nose. It is not because Trump is nice and polite.
Do you want Robert to come punch your nose too? Then be nice and polite.


It gets better results than not being nice and polite. If you start off being nice you can always change to mean. If you start off being mean, then you have no place to go at all.


noun: civility
Definition: formal politeness and courtesy in behavior or speech.

Civility is the base of civilization. If you want to see this planet go down the tubes real quick advocate getting rid of civility. There is no civilization without civility.

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