Why did Republicans go from hating socialism to cheering on a communist country(Russia) trying to interfere with US Politics?

Does this make sense to any rational person?

Clint Taurus2016-10-14T23:42:20Z

Yes it makes sense because Russia is not communist. The US has been involved with some very shady business in the middle east. The Iraq war was illegal and the current war against the Assad Regime in Syria is also fabricated by the US. As was Lybia and Yemen. The US needs to pull it's head in and many Americans realise this, probably not enough. It is basically the world villain. Hillary Clinton will bring about World War no doubt and we'll all die. Thanks to idiots like you.

ALT RIGHT DELETE2016-10-14T23:37:05Z

To be fair, Russia isn't communist anymore. In fact, Russia is a pretty good example of what happens when an authoritarian takes power and runs things to the benefit of his rich capitalist friends. So yeah, it does kinda make sense that the GOP would cheer them.


Not only Russia is not Communist (since the 30's or since the 90's, depending on how you view it), but Putin is clearly a radical right-wing guy, an ultra-conservative, the total opposite of communism.


Not to mention supporting a candidate that preaches authoritarianism; ie closing mosques, rounding up immigrants (the other if you will), killing the families of terrorists. Isn't that what Rodrigo Duterte is doing right now in the Philippines?

Bozo the Clown2016-10-14T23:39:48Z

Socialism's just the red herring. White rule's what they set the hounds after.

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