Runninback for Eagles, LeSean Mccoy supports cops..but supports clinton? Does that make you mad?


He doesn't support cops.. he beat up 2 off duty cops in a club in Philly last year and had to pay them off so they wouldn't sue him. He also made a payment to the DA Seth Williams to get those charges dropped. That's the ONLY reason Shady is careful of what he says about cops now.


you just getting upset without having the facts..

Lesean " Shady" McCoy now plays for the Bills.

whats so wrong with supporting police and Clinton. you make it seem like hes wrong for supporting police and that he does its illegal to support CLINTON.

No it does not make men mad, what makes me made is this stupid question based on your stereotype.

I encourage all people to go on NETFLIX and watch the documentary 13. about the 13th amendment. please.. to increase your knowledge.


No. What he does or doesn't do does not bother me.
People who are overly judgmental bother me.
People who try to tell others what to do bother me.


should it