Is rape really that big of a deal?

I'm a guy so if I get cornered by a girl and she whips out my you know what and "rapes me" if I'm straight was that so bad sure she could of been ugly or hot or whatever but I'm straight so it wasn't awful.For a girl I'f a guy rapes her and she's straight is that a big deal? Because it's still a hot guy or ugly guy which there attracted to by gender.Obviously I know age is a bigger problem along with different sexual performances like ******* heterosexual and others.

Some Random Guy2016-10-22T04:47:38Z

I've often thought this too.

I think for someone of either gender to be raped by an ugly person would be really traumatic. There's also the issue that to be raped you have to be over-powered and not in control which is frightening in itself (think about lying back in the dentist's chair whilst they do weird stuff in your mouth - no control!).

Another thing is that most rapists will not use contraception so no matter how attractive he/she is, there is the nasty possibly of contracting an STI or causing unwanted pregnancy.

Having said that, if a person is raped by someone attractive, I do question whether it is a big deal or not. I mean how can sex with attractive people be so great yet also traumatic? And if anybody thinks I'm bad for writing this, just think about when men make rape accusations towards women - they are often dismissed and told that they must have enjoyed as they were erect, or that there is a guy somewhere who would've loved to have been in his position.

And as for marital rape, well that's a joke.

Patrisha M2016-10-21T21:49:58Z

I surely hope that you're trolling. Being forced to do something against your will is always a big deal. You're making rape to seem like this fantasy where some possibly attractive person forces you into having the type of sex you desire. Rape doesn't work that way. Rapists mostly concern themselves with dominating their victims. For example, in prison, men often rape other men to impose their power over men. It's usually mighty painful and psychologically damaging for both men and women. I'm quite sure that you can agree that it's a big deal then. If not, then something is clearly wrong with you.

It's mighty rare for a woman to rape a man, but if you were to get raped by a woman, you wouldn't like it. Chances are great that no "hot" woman would rape a man. She can easily get men to consent to having sex with her if she's hot. If anything, female rapists are likely child molesters or desperate women that have deadly diseases and/or severe mental illnesses. If she's able to corner you, you'd be lucky to survive the ordeal. It's the same with women. It doesn't matter how attractive he is. Sex is always better when you want it. Rape is usually followed by assault, is painful and damaging to genitals, could result in STDs and other infections, and sometimes, it ends in murder.


Rape is more than someone being sexual with you when you don't want to allow them. Rape is the terror of someone threatening your life and restraining you so you can't stop them having sex with you. Many rapists thrive off the terror and fear they cause their victim, and a lot of the reason they rape is to feed off this total power they have over their victim knowing they are fearing for their life and you control their emotions and fears and the sex is quite often to them is just a plus. Many rapists have a wife or girlfriend and they are not just seeking sex but the whole experience of subduing a helpless person who they have caught alone and vulnerable and subjecting them to fear and total submission to the rapist's whim, unwanted sex being the ultimate indignity for the victim
It is possible rape is a cave man instinct and some rapists may still have this primitive need to rape. Back in cave man times when the worlds population of humans was very small many people lived in small nomadic groups moving with their need to find new food sources. In small groups the genetic pool can be very shallow and the risk of groups becoming inbred with serious birth defects would be high unless genes from other groups of humans were introduced. Nature may have made men rape when they found a vulnerable female so the fresh genes would strengthened the gene pool of a group producing healthier humans.


Any non-consensual sex is rape and can have long lasting negative repercussions later on. What do looks have to do with whether the rape is a big deal or not.
Make sure your partner really wants to have sex before you go ahead. The man will pay the price legally but the woman will pay the price emotionally and physically (if she becomes pregnant)..


I note that your description of rape of your self is one not based one personal experience. I would suggest your view would change if it ever did happen.
I am also not speaking from experience but I suspect the victim while dealing with the violence is also asking them self if these are the last moments of their life, will the rapist then become the killer.

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