What do you think would be a better interview time?

I applied for a Resident Assistant position at a well known University. The interview committee has two times available this week: 1:00PM Wednesday, October 26, or 10:00AM on Friday, October 28. My questions are; 1. considering I live 45 minutes away from the location and it takes 42 minutes to get there would it be better to schedule the 1 or 10 p.m. appointment considering traffic is about the same at either time. 2. I have only been to this location once, do you think it would be better to schedule the interview in the afternoon to allocate for extra drive time? 3. I am thinking about scheduling the Friday apt, but I want to know your thoughts. Thanks!


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I don't like a 1PM interviews, interviewer are either eager to go to lunch or still in the lunch frame of mind. Friday at 10 is better, True that it is the end of the week but you will probably be the last person they will interview and you'll be fresh in their minds when they make a decision that day or the following week. take the Friday and send them a thank you email on the weekend so they remember you in the following week.


"...45 minutes away from the location and it takes 42 minutes to get there..." That makes no sense.

You are way over thinking this. Schedule it for whatever is convenient for you. If you can't figure out how to make an appointment, you're not qualified for any job.


You would receive the best attention at 1:00pm on Wednesday.