Ladies, is she keeping tabs on me, wouldnt you unfollow a guy you turned down?
So I was talking to this girl this past month on Snapchat, and texting. We finally met up last Saturday at her place. That saturday night was the first time we met in person. We were just watching movies and we talked. I don't know what it was but we just vibed with each other. Her room was just lit with candles too so it was a chill setting also. Shortly after, it just happened between us having sex. so we went two rounds, and she was saying things like, "your so big (my name)", dropped the f word many times, right there, etc. the first round she was cuffing up with me real tight kissing on my shoulder and neck right after. Shorty after she got on top of me saying she wanted it again, being really seductive with me so that's what led to the second round. We cuddled some more and kissed for a bit and that was it. After that I had to go, but I was just messing with saying, "you don't want me to leave huh?" And she shook her head with a smile saying no pretty much. It's obvious we feel each other, but here's the dilemma. She's going thru so much at home with her parents and she had broken up with her ex a month prior talking to me. They have no contact what so ever but he did her so wrong in so many ways
dissapears. She told me it's complicated to talk to her. so we texted the night after we had sex cause she asked me what I'm looking for in a girl that night we had sex. I couldn't answer it so I answered for her and told her I wanted her.
She said this, She said this , "(My name), this message just broke my heart. 😔 This was honestly the sweetest thing that I have ever read, and I want to be that girl for you so badly - I'm just not in a good place right now. You did absolutely nothing wrong; you're perfect" I just felt like I rushed things but apparently I did not, but I'm really feeling her and don't want to leave her, I wanted to stick it out.
So I told her how I felt about her foreal. And last weekend she told me she would text me after but never did. on monday she snapped me saying (my name), I need to breathe. I'm sorry. I'll text you later. Now I feel terrible inside l, like it's over now. I wasn't harrassing her or anything I just asked if we could talk that's it. Idk man **** sucks 😞But the thing is she still follows me on snapchat?
She sees my stories and I see hers, but i don't want to overdue it by messaging her. I mean idk, its weird to me cause she said she likes me being around and talking to me but were not compatible at all. But in the beginning she's telling oh i want to see you real badly, we had sex and she didn't me to leave her house afterwords, she says perfect, and wants to be my dream girl but can't cause she's got a lot of stuff going on.
So im curious as to why she still has me on snapchat and stuff, yet she turns me down. Will I ever speak to her again?
last time I talked to her was last Monday, should I contact her at all?