Will the UK still be an EU member after 2019 given the implications of Brexit?


The Conservatives campaigned for a Stay vote win during the Brexit referendum campaign. Some senior Conservatives supported the Leave side. In the end, the voters in the UK sided on the Leave side by more than 4%, leading to a 52-48 win. Key issues include Britain's place as a financial hub in Europe, trade implications and jobs when the government considers whether or not to go ahead with it removing the UK. True desire by the Conservatives to exit the EU is another factor.


It depends on how much the recent High Court ruling delays the implementation of Article 50. May wasn't planning to invoke A50 until next Spring anyway - it's unlikely to make much of a difference - probably a few months longer.

London Man2016-11-05T03:44:23Z

No. A referendum is above Laws made by Judges and Lawyers even if they are hundreds of years old

No ifs no buts he result of a referendum IS the Law


Hopefully not.
We have already voted to leaves the sooner the government get the matter dealt with, the sooner we can get on with the "implications"


All down to the potential court appeal at the moment, if/when the House discusses it and how long the negotiations take


Hope not it should leave in 2019.

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