Hillary is HATE, lies and wars , Trump is LOVE, peace and Jobs - His supporters LOVE him, and He loves that nation: Hillary is HATE?

Bobby Jim2016-11-05T21:02:29Z

Russian Prime Minister Putin says the same thing. HIllary is for war, and Trump will be for peace. But then, consider the source. LOL


Seriously? Trump said he loved war and can't wait to drop a nuke on Syrian civilians. He totally disrespected the Mother and Father of a war hero who died saving his troops.

The man is a sociopth. Every word he utters is a lie and then he denies saying it. The man is a pathological liar, a cheat, and deadbeat. He hired small business vendors during his campaign and now he has refused to pay them for their hard work. This is how he treats the American worker--he doesn't pay them. Trump is a fascist pig.



Paul Preston2016-11-05T21:23:08Z

You obviously haven't hear Trump's speech


Lady are you off your meds. Trump is a puppet for Putin and Putin wants to kill us all...Stalin style and take our land. Get some help.... you need it.

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