How many hours of WWE product a week do you need?

1 -3 hours

4-8 hours

15 hours



1-3, I suppose. I like to watch NXT, so there's 1 hour. I'm happy fast-forwarding the DVR on Raw for their 5, maybe, matches the entire night (which only half are even real wrestling matches and not some screwy sh*t done half@ssedly). SmackDown, I still lose patience with from time to time. When I sense crap or get bored, I hit fast-forward.


Like 40 hours lol


1 hour


I need precisely zero hours of WWE 'product' per week. If you think anybody 'needs' WWE then your view of the world is seriously screwed up.

Jim Crockett Promotions Fan2016-11-07T12:42:27Z

Whatever I feel I need in a given week.

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