Be honest do you really watch Total Divas?

I bet you a million dollars that if Broken Matt had his own reality tv show it would triple the ratings that Divas gets.


I gave it a chance, I went 5 episodes in and gave up on it. I'm not into reality TV like that.

Though, the Hardys had (or have, I'm not sure anymore) their own series called the Hardy Show which seemed much more entertaining based on what I watched off Youtube, its actually pretty funny. I think they channel all that into their Broken identities. I'd rather watch them throw watermelons at each other than watch the Bella Twins gawk over Cena and Bryan and bicker for 45 minutes.


I have no interest in Total Divas. I don't really watch reality shows. The WWE programs I watch on a weekly basis is Raw and Smackdown and that's it.


I would rather watch broken matt and the house of hardy than total divas, he is still broken and is planning on deleting wcpw.





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