My Dr ask me if i were watching my diet !im a little overweight } Instead of discussing it He ??


He stated on my paper you get at the end of your drs visit (get councelling!!!!!!!!! i didnt like that at all if he had been thourough he should have discussed this with me !!!!!!!!! your views thank you


A lot of doctors these days don't really talk to their patients. They get paid by getting as many people through the office door as they can, so the goal is to get you in, seen, and out quickly in order to get on to the next patient (more patients seen means more billing).

You can change doctors, you can decide to speak up for yourself more quickly in the future, or you can ignore the doctor's note if you know counseling isn't needed. Don't take it too personally, your doctor wasn't treating you much like a person (just an account number).


He was being polite. You are overweight because you overeat. I used to be slim. Then I stuffed my face. Now I am a big fat fatty. Please thank your doctor for his caring.