What are the pros and cons of states being given an opportunity to vote on laws for themselves instead of the federal government stepping in?
i.e row v wade
gay marriage
i.e row v wade
gay marriage
This is the general bullsh*t that the republicans have been selling for decades now. Their REAL aim is to breakup big power organizations (like the Federal Government) - then their Billionaires can feed off the country easier.
That has always REALLY been what's behind "States Rights"...... the ability for the rich to pick everybody's pocket with nobody watching. Notice that republicans always want to sell off "Public Lands"...... guess where the money goes.
People's actual rights are of no concern to republicans - they never have been.
Patrick B
The con is that if other states don't have the same basic guidelines as your state, then your marriage doesn't work in any other state, or you can be arrested for a crime by crossing a state line.
The con is that it can be used to discriminate against people.
the one and only
mother phuckin freedom is pro LOL