I need a assignment to complete. That is "Create a simple module load in kernel" in Linux. Please anyone have an idea? Do simplify.?
Through Google i got a link. But anyone tell me what software they use to compile and run commands. Link=> https://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/compiling-linux-kernel-module.html
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I'm confused with your post.
First, are you saying you NEED an assignment to complete (that is, you want someone to give you something to complete), or that you need to COMPLETE an assignment that you already have? That part is vague.
Second, you said to "create a SIMPLE module ... ", then you said "DO simplify". So, does it need to be simplified, or is it simple? Which is it?
Lastly, do you even have a question? Or are you just hoping someone will do your homework for you?
Please re-think what you want to say, and if you need help with a programming assignment, get started, do as much as you can, then ask a specific question. Don't forget to post your work so we know what you've already accomplished. No need to re-invent the wheel each time.