Jesus told his disciples to eat him. Did they? After he was properly seasoned and cooked, of course?


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I remember him saying take this cup and drink it and eat this bread. Symbolically, those things represented his body. When we sacrificed animals back then, we didn't just kill them, we ate them too. From time to time I've seen people say, oh it's so stupid that they just killed animals for no reason. Well, firstly, we didn't do it for no reason, and secondly, we ate them, just like you eat animals. The only difference is that ours is a sacrifice.

So do you get why we had to symbolically eat Jesus? It's because he's the sacrificial lamb. The sacrifice to end all scarifies.


Yes, His Church has been consuming His body and blood ever since the Last Supper, where He personally celebrated the first Holy Christian Mass, and commanded those present, the first priests of the ONE Church He founded, to continue doing so. And in obedience to Him, His Church has continued down so ever since that night.


Nah. That's why those wafers don't have any flavor. Of course, after a good amount of the blood, you don't really care anymore.


in a barbacue, not too much salt.