How do I know if I cracked my neck I turned my head kinda fast and I heard like a crack or a pop I feel fine Did I die?


You Just popped/cracked your neck. Nothing to worry about.

massage therapist2016-11-26T13:57:53Z

You usually only die if a quackapractor cracks your neck and causes a stroke.


If you heard it crack then you probably did crack it but not enough to die apparently.

Lic. York2016-11-22T06:04:13Z

If you are still living, then you haven`t crack your neck. If it hurts:
I dare you to try out fgxpress patches, they are awesome for vanishing pain away. They are FDA class 1 device approved. Contact me in my personal webpage in source


You just popped your neck. No reason to call an ambulance at all. And no I doubt you died.

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