Why is it that we have an earth quake in Japan and a tsunami warning but the only news we can get from the networks is on Trump?


The networks will broadcast whatever gets people interested. Most people don't particularly care whether there is a disaster in Japan. Donald Trump makes for better TV. So the networks show Trump in order to get better ratings.

The First Dragon2016-11-21T17:31:11Z

Because Trump winning the election is earthquake and tsunami enough for the American News Media..
Imagine if we had one in California right now.
But thanks for the news, I will check it out.
I checked, and it was only a 7.4 earthquake. Not that impressive for Japan, or even California. But it was in the region of Fukushima, which does make it noteworthy. The tsunami is a mere 1 meter wave, which Japan can easily manage.


The American networks look for ratings and Trump ensures that. Here in Canada the earthquake in Japan was covered, with footage, on the TV national news.


America needs saving too? Let me explain something to you. When Hurricane Betsy and Camille and Katrina hit Louisiana and the Southern regions, I was left to clean up my damage on my own.. Sire FEMALE helped anyone on mental salaries but laughed when middle class, America asked for help. . So we did what we do best
. We made it work and what we couldn't afford to do.... We waited.... Years... And now that I'm older I thank God that I have enough God since to get the He'll out of Harms Way. . And that's exactly what those ppl. And their Government need to do in Japan along those coast lines that are the most vulnerable, if we have to do it to B Ave peace. They should as well. . No, it's not easy to uproot. But it's foolish to play the game, roll the dice and gamble you'll survive. . I'm still hearing the same Africa and Poor countries crying, begging, and having sex withe there Virgin Daughters if they have HIV. /aid for a cure. . Been hearing it for 50 years now. No change

Tad Dubious2016-11-23T13:31:02Z

That would because "we" are not in Japan. I am in the USofA and I have heard about the earthquake several times already today from a variety of news outlets. We do not live in a Trump bubble.

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