Ovarian cyst symptoms?

I'm on birth control for irregular periods and the last appointment to the doctor said I had a small ovarian cyst. My issue is the last two weeks I've been having spotting of blood kinda like how my period is the first day but I haven't missed any of my birth control pills. Could this be from the cyst? Do cysts cause the spotty bleeding for weeks? And my cyst was a small one so is that normal for a small one to do?



k w2016-11-24T11:44:22Z

do a search for this quote and read what pops up, "all chronic illnesses can be traced back to mineraldeficiency"....think about it for s bit......then possibly consider it is time to go see a real healing doctor, who heals without drugs with side effects, do a search for a Homeopathic Physician in your zipcode or the largest town nearby and go there and get a porper healing. good luck.