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Yeah because to be nationalistic is not racist. And if you can't tell the difference then that makes you racist.
It's the people who fought nationalists, those racists that cause most of the problems. What do you see people in China called racist for practicing nationalism? Or maybe you are like. I have no idea what race the founding fathers were. I have no idea what race primarily represents America.
And if that's the case, you got some big chunks of learning to take on so you can finally move passed the whole grammar issue. Where you read all this stuff incorrectly as you grew up.
Paul Revere was a hero and Benedict Arnold was a traitor. Just in case you got that messed up too.
Wouldn't be an issue if we followed the founders advice. That America be a country excursively for White people of good character.
Never heard a single one say that.
Must be a strawman.
You see, we recognize and loathe the overt racism of the Democratic Party with their secession, slavery, KKK, segregation and Jim Crow laws.
No. Who the Hell said that? It sounds like you are working off of a straw man argument. What's your point, as misguided as it must be if you base it off of this premise?