If one of your parents is Jewish and the other was Christian but converted, are you full Jew?


There is no such thing as "half-Jews" or "full Jews".
A person is either a Jew or not a Jew.

Its a national/"tribal" identity -- you are either a member of the tribe or you are not.

A person who is born to a Jewish mother or who converted is a Jew.

In your scenario, the parent who had been Christian but converted to Judaism is a Jew.

Therefore - if the conversion happened before the birth - both parents were Jews.

If the conversion happened after the birth --
if the mother was the Jewish parent - then the child is a Jew.
if the mother was not Jewish at the time - then the child can chose to become a Jew by conversion.


Reverse Messianic Jew.


If your Mum is Jewish, you're Jewish
If you've converted to Judaism, you're Jewish.


You are confusing the Jewish race with the Jewish religion.


Remember Ruth the Moabite? She married Boaz who was a descendant of Abraham. She accepted the faith of the Israelites.

AND she ended up being privileged by God Almighty to become an ancestress of Jesus Christ.

There are other Bible examples of the very thing you are talking about.

Check out Zipporah, Moses' wife.

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