What happens if you fail the initial test for the US Navy bootcamp?

When you first go into the US Navy, and you arrive at bootcamp.. what if you can't bare to run the 1.5 miles fast enough? Perhaps you can't make the minimum for it. Would you be discharged back home or do they give you training until that final test still?

I have little knowledge of what you do until the end of bootcamp so sorry if this sounds like an awkward question.


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Then, you would be placed in the Fitness Improvement Training (FIT); it is a remedial training that suppose to prepare the recruits to pass the requirements. Keep in mind that this may push your graduation date further than expected. And if you keep failing, then you may be pushed out of the Navy altogether.


You are assigned to the recruit division that needs extra incentive to pass the PRT. In addition to the 'usual ' daily physical training, you will do extra hours worth until you do meet minimum standards.

You get maybe three shots at the final PRT at the end of boot camp, so you have 8 weeks to get your act together


the initial PT test, is just a diagnose pt test

so the DI's know what your weak in and need to work on

if you cannot make the run in the correct time , apon arrival, then your not gonna like basic trining