Are there any internet installation companies that don't require any satelite dish or hardline to be installed?

So we are only tenants in a two bedroom converted house/garage extention and the landlord cutoff my wifi I'm looking for a not intrusive internet installation process that won't be visible on the outside of the house.
I'm looking for something that does not require bolting or screwing in the outer part of the house.I'm looking for what company can give me that kind of solution
strictly internet only and no cable needed.


Favorite Answer

Look for DSL. Slower, but it comes through existing phone lines.


internet requires a dish or cable, the only alternative is a mobile hot spot device that you can get from your cell phone provider, I use my phone as a hot spot for my computer at home


In which country?
Here in the U.K. you can get wifi through your BT line, if you have a landline.
As I do.


DSL comes over the phone line.