what time are you crying tonight?

That's not really the question I'm asking. Here's the story, I was reading a post on here where someone was talking about how they were crying. With that on my mind and while trying to come up with a response, I was on the phone calling a place intending to ask them "what time are you closing tonight?" Instead, I accidentally asked "what time are you crying tonight?" Lol! I don't know what I would have done if she had said "Probably around 10:30. What about you?" Lol! I am laughing so hard at myself that I am crying!! Has anyone else ever done something like this? Mean to say one thing but say something else because it's on your mind??

18 gibbs 202016-12-10T00:45:21Z

Favorite Answer

That is funny. It happens to everyone occasionally. I have completely forgotten what I have been waiting to say as well.


I've never had that happen to me. So strange.




when i eat dinner and put tabasco on my chicken