When did the word "gift" become a verb?


Favorite Answer

About the late 1980s and early 90s. The semi-literate were saying things like, "Let's do lunch," and "I gifted him a present." With "give", there really isn't a need for gift as a verb, but there it is and so the language changes again.


According to the OED since the 17th century. But according the Atlantic from two years ago, it is not a verb, so the answer would be, if you are pedant, "never."

I would agree that you should say "give" rather than "gifted" in most cases:

I gave the museum $2,000.

Sometimes gift as a verb makes sense:

Gifting a man is not as easy as gifting a woman.

regift is especially helpful.


When it is used as a synonm for the verb "present" - to bring into the existence to the acquaintance of an other.: To introduce; To make a gift : To bring before the public.


When used as a verb. Otherwise it is a noun.


I first noticed it from a semi-literate law professor about ten years ago.

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