If propely cared for, what is the lifespan of most air tools?
Specifically an impact wrench and ratchet from harbor freight. If i oiled them every time I used them and took care of them, could I possibly expect 30+years out of them or is 3-5 years more likely.
A lot depends on how often it is used. Harbor Freight tools if used in a commercial environment where they're in use 5 to 6 hours every day may not last more than a few years. However for home use they can easily last for 30 years, if well cared for. I have a set that I've had for 15 to 20 years.
Pneumatic tools have seals and other elastomers that fail in time. If you take care of the tools and replace the wear parts they can last for 30 years.
The problem is finding the part after a few years.