Now that liberals are admitting that Hillary was hacked are they admitting that she compromised national security and should be charged ?


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If She was Honest , She could of stopped it in 2015 .
But She is the queen of cover ups with many secerts

Coop 3662016-12-22T15:31:46Z

Liberals have not said Clinton was hacked but that the Democrats were hacked, to influence the election. As for what happened while she was Secretary has never been proven but the Alt-Right and the Republicans have screamed off with her head.


Even if she was it's not grounds for an investigation, let alone a charge. Even Trump changed his tune on that the second the election results came back. If you were actually dumb enough to vote for Trump thinking he would put Hillary in jail, or even pursue that route, you're too stupid to deserve the right to vote.


Nothing would have happened if Trump didn't team up with Russians to rig the election
He is a risk to national security.


Perhaps you are forgetting the whole Congressional fishing expedition investigations that never actually found anything. Hillary quite famously wasn't hacked. The DNC was.

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